I offer a friendly face to face consultancy to give advice on the principles of ecologically based gardening to create and maintain a wildlife friendly garden, rich in biodiversity. Emphasis is placed on what works from over 40 years of my personal gardening experience in North East Scotland. From the best locations within your garden for creating and managing your mini habitats such as ponds, mini- woodlands and wildflower areas to siting compost heaps, log piles, glasshouse, potting sheds etc.
I tend to be very busy advising, mentoring, sourcing, supplying and planting plants as well as assisting clients in a variety of eco-gardening principles and practices and therefore I do not have time to produce full garden design drawings to show positions of desired hard features such as patios, glasshouses etc. My expertise lies in connecting such features with suitable planting into cohesive schemes to maximise attractiveness to wildlife and realise your own aesthetic visions.
I can suggest the best positions for such features and recommend brochures providing available materials so you can choose suitable colours , sizes and shapes etc. Should you wish a full garden design with drawings and 3D imagery I can recommend contacting my associate chartered landscape architect Keith Vernon of TLC environmental. Contact E-mail info@tlcenvironmental.uK or call 07525134913.
Do I need a Garden designer, landscape architect, landscaper or garden consultant?
You will be able to find all the above waving the ecological/sustainability banner. The main benefits of engaging the services of a garden designer or chartered landscape architect are streamlined designs, project management and long term cost savings. However a good design process will cost a lot of money initially before a spade hits the soil and the start of the agreed proposed design. I think their services are better suited to very large garden and landscape projects. In over 40 years experience I have come across poor landscapers and excellent landscapers but in both categories comprehensive plant knowledge and aftercare advice tends to be weak.
For many people all that is required is a little initial personalised gardening advice, the ability to discuss their ideas with a mentoring expert and ongoing guidance on plant buying to avoid costly mistakes and come up with some good ideas and tips. Garden consultants offer their best independent unbiased advice from years of specialist interest and experience because they have a genuine specialised knowledge in the subject area, in my case garden planting for wildlife. ( Also planting resilience, functional redundancy, response diversity, plant plasticity .. Ok too deep) and wanting to promote the approach to a wider audience and have no vested interest in getting a patio or fence building job.
Current Clients
I have undertaken garden consultancy for a number of private clients (see testimonials page) as well as for
University of Dundee Botanic Garden.
TLC Environmental Chartered Landscape Architects.
MVV Environment (Baldovie ) Ltd.
What can you expect from a typical consultation process with me?
After having had a good look over my website; testimonials, gallery, pricing and Eco book ( I have put a lot of work into that) etc. I recommend giving me a call on 07988010418 for an obviously free initial chat. You can also fill in the
Contact me form. From this you can decide if you want a charged initial visit.
Initial consultation guide price for up to 30 mile radius from my house is £145.00.
This includes consultation and post consultation notes.
Consultations further afield will have a surcharge to cover extra travel time and fuel expenses.Please contact me for an estimate.
A typical consultation includes:
From me,
1.Travel time from Glamis.
2.One hour home garden consultation comprising:
A discussion of your ideas, the look and aims you are trying to achieve such as features and planting styles, A basic garden assessment and verbal suggestions and recommendations such as where to site a pond or sitting area, including verbal wildlife gardening advice and answering your questions.
3. Return to Glamis.
From you.
Notes on your ideas and the offer of a coffee.
Post Consultation notes from our meeting:
Either sent by email or as hard copy if preferred.
1. Notes summarising key findings, suggestions, and recommendations from our discussion
2. Guidance on ground preparation, planting and labour saving ethical maintenance practices.
3. Guide to sourcing and selecting suitable plants together with a list of some plant species I recommend for your garden during my site visit.
4. My top ten tips fact sheet for thinking like an eco-gardener.
Subsequent Consultations
I am happy to provide further ongoing consultations as well as mentoring, plant sourcing, supply and planting and hands on practical visits such as ground preparation to assist you in achieving your aim. Further details can be found on my pricing page.
Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to arrange visit.